What is this 24
is it natural thing or man made thing
Why shold we follow this 24
Why its not some other value less than that or above then that
Its vey intersting when we do follow the same thing every day
What if its lessthan than that 24we have now ...
Can we feel comfortable or what shall we feel if anyone thinks about this is less than 24 and see how the life will be as the same way or it will change the entire life style if we are having more tham 24 what are we going to do in that extra are we going to use ourself or is it also killed as usual as we are doing now in our free time so call recreational avtivities
What shall we do in this increased given time.
Will they increase the working hours in the job we are in
Or will we use it some other recreational activities
So dont follow 24rule
Do whatever you feels like doing
Theres no rule ill do this daily and thats it im doing it when i was grownup also
Dont follow that thing make rule your mind and body
Do whatever you like to do
24is always ours no one can change this because its the design implemented by our ancestors instead of thinking and waiting that i do at this time at that time do be like that be the best version of yourself
Whatever you do do your best
Instead of trying to catch a runnning thing try for the next move so that you and your life will be in safe zone as long as you are in safe zone you feel yourself the purpose of living
I myself wont try to run inorder to catch a running bus while all others do because of their other fellows are doing so
Its not like that you should also do like the other guys did
You are the best version of yourself
Try to remain as much calm as you can and enjoy the purpose of living
Thanks and hope you find little concern about this content
Cheers to mymission2100.


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