Hai readers its good to share this with you and coming to this word mission 2100 i think many of you will start saying that this is not much usefull but before thinking i request you understand yourself that this can be done or not i need your support and views regarding this MISSION2100.

What is mission2100??

Its nothing but the the year 2100 i:e a normal numerical value representing a year in the man made calender format like we have in previous generations .
1991 which is the year of my birth like that the present day in which im posting the content 2016 like wise 2100is the year which is not yet come but will come in future as the generation pass by ..

So to make up to this 2100to happen i think most of the people will not be able to live their live upto the so called 2100 the twenty first century which is 82years apart from now.
So my aim or my intenstion about this is to be done by my life time and i need to see the year 2100 like im seeing all the years that are happening.

So how many of the population here now strongly say that i can survive up to 2100 dosent matter whether he/she is rich or poor ,young or old,good or bad dosen't matter but he/she who says that i can do this or i can survive or live upto twenty first century i salute to those people who says that i can do this so instead if doing this induvidually by your own lets make this come true as we all can enjoy the presence of living ,seeing as much as possible in this environment .

There are so may thing that needs to be taken care when it come to survival so its not an easy task and challenge to accept by everyone but its necessary to live as many days as possible because we are born to live . Instead of living we are doing crazy things  to survive ourselfs so by doing this tasks we can make up ourselfs to live as many years as possible.this is my understasnding regarding life but its up ti you whether you wACnt your eyes to see the beauty or just left them closed  its upto you but if you are living live with a purpose that you have something to acheive in your life.

Accept this as a challenge and makeup your mind to this thing and make mymission2100 happen in your life also.

Before thinking all this i suggest to ask yourself that why is it not possible to do for a human or a person cant we survive??
 So i advice my readers to contribute suggestions to my ideology and help me gain more support through your knowledge and ideas

Well keep looking for your ideas and suggesions the remaining will be added based on the ideas and suggestions of the bloggers and readers
Thanks and cheers to my mission2100.


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