English World Antonyms (part-1)
antynoms ➖ understanding concepts
Learning objective
By the end of this unit ,the students will:
➖Be able to define Antynoms
➖correctly identify antonyms
➖learn a number of commonly used Antonyms
➖use Antonyms effectively I'm their writings and conversations
Concepts in module
Antonyms of verbs
Antonyms of adjectives
Antonyms of nouns
👉Do you know what Antonyms are?
🗣Antonyms are words of the same class that are Opposite to each other in meaning.
➡Antonyms of verbs
Accept. Reject
Accuse. Acquit
👍🏻 Affirm. Deny. 👎
Agree. Differ
Allow. Forbid
Arrive. Depart
Assemble. Disperse
Attract. Repel
Beautify. Disfigure
Begin. End.
Borrow. Lend
Conceal. Reveal
Confess. Deny
Create. Destroy
Decrease. Increase
Distress. Comfort
Enrich. Improvish
Enter. Exit
Fail. Succeed
Gain. Lose
Gather. Scatter
. Grant. Refuse
Help. Hinder
Hurt. Heal
Include. Ecxlude
Inhale. Exhale
Laugh. Weep
Lead. follow
Lend. Borrow
Make Mar
Offer. Refuse
Open. Shut
Oppose. Yield
Praise. Lower
Rejoice. Grieve, lamet
Remember. Forget
Resist. Submit.
Rise. Fall
Sink. Swim
Smile. Frown
Take. Give
Use. Abuse
Win. Lose
Active. Passive
➡Antonyms from adjectives
Ancient. Modern
All. None
Barren. Fertile
Base. Nobel
Beautiful. Ugly
Blunt. Sharp
Bold. Timid
careful. Careless
Cheap. Dear
Cheerful. Gloomy
Civilizend Savage
Complex. Simple
Cruel. Kind
Dead. Alive
Deep. Shallow
Dense. Sparse
Different. Similar
Domestic. Wild
Doubtful. Sure
Faithfull. Faithless
Far. Near
Fresh. Stale
Friendly. Hostile
Full. Empty
General. Particular
Glad. Sad
Great. Small
Grave. Cheerful
Guilty. Innocent
High. Low
Hot. Cold
I'll. Well
Important. Trivial
Injurious. Beneficial
Lenient. Strict
Loud. Low
Major. Minor
Mental. Physical
Negative. Positive
Optional. Compulsory
Odd. Even
Permanent. Temporary
Pleasure. Pain
Public. Private
Rash. Deliberate
Restless. Calm
Round. Flat
Rough. Smooth
Simple. Artful
Singular. Plural
Slow. Prompt
Solid. Hollow
Stern. Mild
Straight. Curved
Strange. Familiar
Sweet. Bitter
Superior. Inferior
Uniform. Variable
Vague. Definite
Vertical. Horizontal
Vulgar. Refined
Warm. Cool
Wet. Dry
Wide. Narrow
Wild. Tame
Wide. Foolish
➡ Antonyms From Nouns
Abundance. Scarity
Analysis. Synthesis
Ancestor. Descendant
Ascent. Descent
Attack. Defence
Attraction. Repulsion
Beginning. End
Belief. Doubt
Bravery. Cowardice
Care. Neglect
Civility. Rudeness
Concord. Discord
Credit. Debit, cash
Danger. Safety
Disease. Health
Dwarf. Giant
Ebb. Flow
Economy. Extavagance
Enmity. Friendship
Fame. Infamy
Falsehood. Truth
Freedom. Slavery
Glory. Shame
Gain. Lose
Happiness. Misery
Haste. Delay
Head. Tail
Heaven. Hell
Honor. Shame
Hope. Despair
Interior. Exterior
Joy. Sorrow
Knowledge. Ignorance
Light. Darkness
Love. Hatred
Majority. Minority
Master. Servant
Maximum. Minimum
Miser. Spendthrift
Motion. Rest
Optimist. Pessimist
Plaintiff. Defendant
Pleasure. Pain
Plentifulness scarcity
Poetry. Prose
Pride. Humility
Prosperity. Adversity
Rear. Front
Recovery. Relapse
Reward. Punishment
Sea. Land
Simplicity. Duplicity
Sympathy. Antipathy
Top. Bottom
Use. Abuse
Virtue. Vice
Victory. Defeat
War. Peace
Practice :
Fill in the blanks with suitable antonyms of the highlighted words given in the other part of the same sentence :
1)some of the members................the proposals of the minister but many of them "Rejected" the proposals.
2)they were about to............ When we "Arrived".
3)my aunt "aggreed"with my suggestions but Uncle Harry................ With me.
4)when we "fail" we must not be disheartned,we shall surely..............if we try again.
5)the mob has "disfigured " the statue and the art lovers were trying hard to..........it.
Action Time Folks!
Here is a list for you to rearrange!
1)Discord. Defendant
2)Dwarf. Neglect
3)Plaintiff. Giant
4)Miserely. Concord
5)Atttaction. Spendthrift
6)Care. Repulsion
Some more puzzles!
Here are some sentences .The blanks in which are the antonyms of the words occurring in the other parts of the sentences! See if you can puzzle out the word?
1) The landscape in India is diverse and we have a fertile region bordering on a.................one.
2) My cousin said she was not taken my pen and was innocent while I was sure that she was..................
3)My aunt Matilda is quite strict with my cousin while uncle James is quite .............
4)India is civilized country and we have no...............living here.
5) It is polite to point an error in general rather than pointing someone out in.................
All the best✔
End of Antonyms👋🏻.
Learning objective
By the end of this unit ,the students will:
➖Be able to define Antynoms
➖correctly identify antonyms
➖learn a number of commonly used Antonyms
➖use Antonyms effectively I'm their writings and conversations
Concepts in module
Antonyms of verbs
Antonyms of adjectives
Antonyms of nouns
👉Do you know what Antonyms are?
🗣Antonyms are words of the same class that are Opposite to each other in meaning.
➡Antonyms of verbs
Accept. Reject
Accuse. Acquit
👍🏻 Affirm. Deny. 👎
Agree. Differ
Allow. Forbid
Arrive. Depart
Assemble. Disperse
Attract. Repel
Beautify. Disfigure
Begin. End.
Borrow. Lend
Conceal. Reveal
Confess. Deny
Create. Destroy
Decrease. Increase
Distress. Comfort
Enrich. Improvish
Enter. Exit
Fail. Succeed
Gain. Lose
Gather. Scatter
. Grant. Refuse
Help. Hinder
Hurt. Heal
Include. Ecxlude
Inhale. Exhale
Laugh. Weep
Lead. follow
Lend. Borrow
Make Mar
Offer. Refuse
Open. Shut
Oppose. Yield
Praise. Lower
Rejoice. Grieve, lamet
Remember. Forget
Resist. Submit.
Rise. Fall
Sink. Swim
Smile. Frown
Take. Give
Use. Abuse
Win. Lose
Active. Passive
➡Antonyms from adjectives
Ancient. Modern
All. None
Barren. Fertile
Base. Nobel
Beautiful. Ugly
Blunt. Sharp
Bold. Timid
careful. Careless
Cheap. Dear
Cheerful. Gloomy
Civilizend Savage
Complex. Simple
Cruel. Kind
Dead. Alive
Deep. Shallow
Dense. Sparse
Different. Similar
Domestic. Wild
Doubtful. Sure
Faithfull. Faithless
Far. Near
Fresh. Stale
Friendly. Hostile
Full. Empty
General. Particular
Glad. Sad
Great. Small
Grave. Cheerful
Guilty. Innocent
High. Low
Hot. Cold
I'll. Well
Important. Trivial
Injurious. Beneficial
Lenient. Strict
Loud. Low
Major. Minor
Mental. Physical
Negative. Positive
Optional. Compulsory
Odd. Even
Permanent. Temporary
Pleasure. Pain
Public. Private
Rash. Deliberate
Restless. Calm
Round. Flat
Rough. Smooth
Simple. Artful
Singular. Plural
Slow. Prompt
Solid. Hollow
Stern. Mild
Straight. Curved
Strange. Familiar
Sweet. Bitter
Superior. Inferior
Uniform. Variable
Vague. Definite
Vertical. Horizontal
Vulgar. Refined
Warm. Cool
Wet. Dry
Wide. Narrow
Wild. Tame
Wide. Foolish
➡ Antonyms From Nouns
Abundance. Scarity
Analysis. Synthesis
Ancestor. Descendant
Ascent. Descent
Attack. Defence
Attraction. Repulsion
Beginning. End
Belief. Doubt
Bravery. Cowardice
Care. Neglect
Civility. Rudeness
Concord. Discord
Credit. Debit, cash
Danger. Safety
Disease. Health
Dwarf. Giant
Ebb. Flow
Economy. Extavagance
Enmity. Friendship
Fame. Infamy
Falsehood. Truth
Freedom. Slavery
Glory. Shame
Gain. Lose
Happiness. Misery
Haste. Delay
Head. Tail
Heaven. Hell
Honor. Shame
Hope. Despair
Interior. Exterior
Joy. Sorrow
Knowledge. Ignorance
Light. Darkness
Love. Hatred
Majority. Minority
Master. Servant
Maximum. Minimum
Miser. Spendthrift
Motion. Rest
Optimist. Pessimist
Plaintiff. Defendant
Pleasure. Pain
Plentifulness scarcity
Poetry. Prose
Pride. Humility
Prosperity. Adversity
Rear. Front
Recovery. Relapse
Reward. Punishment
Sea. Land
Simplicity. Duplicity
Sympathy. Antipathy
Top. Bottom
Use. Abuse
Virtue. Vice
Victory. Defeat
War. Peace
Practice :
Fill in the blanks with suitable antonyms of the highlighted words given in the other part of the same sentence :
1)some of the members................the proposals of the minister but many of them "Rejected" the proposals.
2)they were about to............ When we "Arrived".
3)my aunt "aggreed"with my suggestions but Uncle Harry................ With me.
4)when we "fail" we must not be disheartned,we shall surely..............if we try again.
5)the mob has "disfigured " the statue and the art lovers were trying hard to..........it.
Action Time Folks!
Here is a list for you to rearrange!
1)Discord. Defendant
2)Dwarf. Neglect
3)Plaintiff. Giant
4)Miserely. Concord
5)Atttaction. Spendthrift
6)Care. Repulsion
Some more puzzles!
Here are some sentences .The blanks in which are the antonyms of the words occurring in the other parts of the sentences! See if you can puzzle out the word?
1) The landscape in India is diverse and we have a fertile region bordering on a.................one.
2) My cousin said she was not taken my pen and was innocent while I was sure that she was..................
3)My aunt Matilda is quite strict with my cousin while uncle James is quite .............
4)India is civilized country and we have no...............living here.
5) It is polite to point an error in general rather than pointing someone out in.................
All the best✔
End of Antonyms👋🏻.
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