She was passed over for a promotion, then a few months later was fired. She told me she wanted to give up, she didn't want to be in her life anymore.
The more she worked to find happiness, the emptier she felt.
She cared so much about what others thought of her. She was always comparing herself to others.
She was taught wrong. She was never encouraged properly.

If you -

Care what others think about you...

Compare yourself to others...

you will never find the happiness, joy, and fulfillment you deserve.

She said she was always searching for happiness and never could find it.
Then she found a mentor. That mentor taught her. She learned that when we try to find happiness, it will always escape us.
Happiness is not the goal. Fulfilling our destiny is. Yet, if we are unhappy it is nearly impossible to fulfill our true purpose.
You don’t find happiness. You work on it, you create it.
The best leaders help others find their purpose by empowerment, kindness, and encouraging their teams. The great ones nourish those around them.
Don’t let anyone steal your happiness. You are capable, you are strong enough, you can build a life of meaning. You are good enough today, and you will be better tomorrow. Keep going.
Empowering those with kindness and meaning is what true leaders always do.

**Your Turn: What is the best way leaders can Nourish, Encourage, and Empower their teams??


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